Alla inlägg den 18 april 2010

Av Mikael - 18 april 2010 10:45

Det är extremt svårt att få tag på info om detta pga att våran massmedia tar ju inte upp något negativt emot svenska myndigheter av denna magnitud. Men lite info har jag, och får lite av brorsan. Cencurerad massmedia jajjamensan, så nu begår jag stats-omstörtande verksamhet, precis som Amnesty gör.

Rubriken var min söktag i google som resulterade i noll en så länge.

Men FN är här för att ifrågasätta alla regelbunda brott emot individers mänskliga rättigheter som svenska staten utsätter dem för. Som t.ex mutor till utlänska regeringar, för att ta tillbaka flyktingar som söker asyl i Sverige, olaga bortförande, och transport för asyl sökande tillbaka till landet dom flytt ifrån, där man t.ex blir drogad på flygplatsen och inte vet vad man har blivit utsatt för i 2 veckor. Hurra för svensk flyktingpolitik och att våra myndigheter står upp för den ratificerade FN konvensionen.

Ska fylla i lite eftersom jag hittar material om deras besök, som officiellt är ett standard besök till perfekta sverige givetvis. Här finns det på riksdagens sida.

Vapenexport, Same-fråga, Tortyr redskap?, Våldtäkter, Human rights watch,

Om någon hittar länkar om det här, så tar jag väldans gärna emot dom.

Hittade rätt nu tillslut.

Executiv summary

This report is submitted by the United Nations Association of Sweden (UNA Sweden) and supported by 15 Swedish organisations working in the field of human rights. Sweden generally has a very good reputation in terms of living up to its human rights obligations. Because of this perception, however, there is a risk that important issues do not receive their due attention. There are several areas in which Sweden fails to live up to its international obligations.

Laws affecting the provision of health care, accessibility for persons with disabilities and asylum procedures, for example, infringe certain rights. This is especially true in terms of health care services for asylum-seekers, undocumented migrants and persons of foreign background. Sweden has to work on living up to its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), in particular in the area of the right to education and health, ensuring that unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors receive adequate protection and that the best interests of the child is always a primary consideration.

Inaccessibility outside of the workplace is still not considered an issue of discrimination in Sweden. Hence, persons with disabilities are prevented from participating fully in Swedish society.

Too little progress has been made in terms of eliminating discrimination against women in the labour market and narrowing the gap between the number of women and men in decision-making positions in the private and academic sectors.

Reported incidents of sexual violence against women and girls is on the rise in Sweden. Sweden should take measures to address attitudes that give rise to violence against women and also provide better measures for protection.

Another issue raised in this report is the Saami people’s right to their culture and the use of traditional land. We hope a recent government inquiry will lead to a bill that expands the influence and self-governance of the Saami Parliament, particularly in matters that affect their livelihoods, such as land use.

The Roma people, a national minority, face widespread discrimination, especially in the areas of education, employment and housing.

The incidence of hate crime has increased in recent years in Sweden, yet it is still legal to disseminate propaganda based on ideas of ethnic or racial superiority in Sweden.

2009 ushered in interesting developments regarding the promotion and protection of human rights in Sweden. This includes new anti-discrimination legislation and the merging of four separate discrimination ombudsmen into one Equality Ombudsman. It is too soon to comment on the extent to which these developments have affected human rights on the ground, but the Equality Ombudsman does not fully live up to the independence required by the Paris Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions.

Finally, this submission looks at the reasons and need for collecting equality data based on all grounds of discrimination. Sweden should strive to set a good example and use all available tools, such as equality data, to proactively tackle discrimination within its borders.

Highest attainable healthcare for all

Immigrants, asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants in Sweden do not enjoy the same standard of health care as the rest of Swedish society. The discrimination is overt in that it is legislated and subtle in terms of how these groups are treated by health care professionals.

Det här vet jag om i första hand och har pratat med t.ex min lillebrors tjej om detta, som kan intyga det. Systemet är så idiotiskt att det knappt går att få ut ett recept ibland.

Sweden has one of the most restrictive health care rules for asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants in Europe.1 Under the new Health and Medical Care for Asylum Seekers and Others Act, which took effect in 20082, asylum-seekers are entitled to “emergency” care and health care “that cannot wait”, such as maternity care. Undocumented migrants, including children, can receive emergency health care, but they must pay for the cost of treatment and medication.

As noted by UN Special Rapporteur on Health Paul Hunt, the abovementioned discrimination violates the fundamental right to the highest attainable standard of health.3 According to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights General Comment No. 14, “States are under an obligation to respect the right to health by refraining from or denying or limiting equal access for all persons, including [ ….] asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, to preventive, curative and palliative health services.”

Medical personnel and the Swedish Red Cross4 have reported cases of patients dying from preventable causes or risked dying because they had not received adequate health care in Sweden.5 There are known cases of asylum-seekers and undocumented persons who do not seek medical assistance out of fear of being reported to the authorities by medical staff.6 The fact that they have to pay for treatment is a further hindrance.

This issue, though brought to the attention of the Human Rights Committee in a letter for the review by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Committee in 20097, was not addressed in the Committee’s concluding remarks. Strangely, the ESCR Committee, in its concluding remarks from December 2008, stated: “The Committee notes with appreciation the efforts taken to continue ensuring the high standard of health in the State party and that health care is accessible to all, including undocumented persons.”8 In light of this misperception it is particularly important that this issue be addressed in the UPR process.

Another obstacle persons with a foreign background – undocumented or not – experience is discriminatory attitudes from health care professionals. According to a study from 2005, 82 percent of undocumented persons have faced direct or indirect obstacles when seeking medical assistance.9 In fact, data from 2008 shows that Sweden received the highest number of complaints (18) regarding discrimination in health care on grounds of racial or ethnic origin of 10 countries who collect such equality data.10

Rights of the Child

Not all children in Sweden are afforded the same right to education, health and medical care. The practical application of new laws affecting education, health care and migration breach international human rights obligations and/or do not take the best interests of the child into consideration.

In Sweden education is not compulsory for asylum-seeking children16, and the number of asylumseeking children attending compulsory school is decreasing.17 As noted by the CRC Committee, children without a residence permit, in particular children in hiding and undocumented children, do not enjoy the right to education.18 We hope that an ongoing Government inquiry on access to education results in an expansion of access to education to all children living in Sweden.

Undocumented children only have a right to receive urgent medical care, for which they must pay the full fee. The new Health and Medical Services Act, which went into effect July 1, 2008, does not cover children who are undocumented.19 This is in violation of the right of all children to the highest attainable health care.

In asylum processes the best interest of the child principle is not always applied. For this reason decisions by the Swedish Migration Board and the Swedish Migration Courts receive frequent criticism. During the summer of 2009, for example, the European Court of Human Rights stopped the deportation of four children aged 6 to 14 to an orphanage in Serbia while the court examines the legality of the Migration Board’s decision.20 The children have relatives in Sweden who can care for them while their mother, with whom the children have a functioning relationship, serves out a prison sentence. In October 2009, the Swedish Migration Board heard the case again and this time granted the children residency permits, citing Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Based on this case and on many others involving children and juveniles, it is clear that under the new Aliens Act21, which took effect in 2006, and has changed the migration appeal system and process, the best interests of the child is still not always a primary consideration.22 It also illustrates the urgent need to train public servants at state agencies and within the judicial system in human rights law and on the CRC in particular.

Finally, legislative amendments from 1 July 2006 that transferred responsibility for the reception and housing of unaccompanied minors from the Swedish Migration Board to the municipalities has had unintended consequences that must be addressed to ensure that these children receive the support and security that is their right. Only one-third of Sweden’s municipalities are willing to accept unaccompanied minors. As a result, hundreds of children, many of whom have escaped war-torn, conflict-ridden countries, are spending months in temporary housing situations without access to education or adult guidance.23 The CRC Committee recently criticized Sweden for not appointing a legal guardian for each unaccompanied child quickly enough.24

Access and employment for people with disabilitys

Sweden ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Optional Protocol in December 2008. Although domestic laws are deemed sufficient, generally, they are not implemented satisfactorily. As a result, persons with disabilities face discrimination and human rights violations in many areas, but especially in terms of access to public transportation, information and buildings and access to work and employment.

Finally, it should be noted that women with disabilities fare worse than their male counterparts on most fronts, including in terms of support, services received and access to employment.31 Women with disabilities are also more vulnerable to domestic violence, exploitation and abuse in various forms.

Violence against woman

The Human Rights Committee expressed concern over the high prevalence of violence against women, particularly domestic violence.32 Although domestic violence statistics are believed to have remained relatively static since 200033, the number of reported cases of sexual violence in Sweden increased almost 50 percent between 1995 and 2008.34 The overwhelming majority of victims of sexual violence are women and girls.

Generally there is a lack of faith in the justice system among victims of violence in close relationships.35 During 1995-2007 reported sexual crimes that led to a prosecution varied between 15 to 20 percent. In 2007 there were 12.500 reported sexual crimes. That same year 985 people were convicted for a sexual crime. Recent case law from the Supreme Court suggests that more evidence will be required in cases of rape. This development will place higher demands on police investigations and could make it even harder to prosecute cases where there was any delay in the filing of the complaint.37

Furthermore, the level of protection, the quality of care for victims and the number of sexcrime related prosecutions in proportion to the number of cases varies drastically among the municipalities38. Immigrant, refugee and minority women, as well as women with disabilities, are particularly vulnerable.39 They face a higher risk of violence and are more likely to remain in violent relationships.40

(Min granne t.ex, och en massa söta invandrar tjejer i skitstaden Katrineholm blir utsatta för våld, tillsammans med svenska tjejer också, utan att det blir konsekvenser för gärningsmännen...)

Discrimination against women in the labour market

Too little progress has been made in eliminating discrimination against women in the labour market and in decision-making positions in the private and academic sectors. There is a significant gap between men and women in upper management and on boards.42 The recent increase in the representation of women on the boards of directors in the public sector is positive, but the private sector is lagging. Affirmative action measures and proposals have been discussed since 2006, but the will to implement them is lacking, in contrast to the situation in Norway, where rapid progress was made in the private sector when affirmative action measures were implemented.43

In Sweden more women work part-time than men, resulting in lower salaries, lower future pension benefits and diminished career prospects. Women carry a larger burden of unpaid household work and childcare, and they use about 80 percent of all available parental leave benefits.44 Although there is evidence that the wage gap between men and women is slowly narrowing, women still earn less than men for the same job.45

Mitt kära X som är mammis till mina 3 barn, fick sparken pga graviditet med dom 2 första, genom påtvingad uppsägning. Det känns tryggt!!

Saami traditional land and culture rights

The Saami people’s right to traditional land use is rarely considered in the evaluation of permits for projects that affect areas used for reindeer husbandry. Disputes over permits between Saami communities and various developers are ongoing and at times severe. In most counties the court has not granted reindeer grazing rights, even though these rights are supported by international law.

Further, the lack of clarity over geographic boundaries as well as Swedish and international law has fostered a situation in which land owners benefit from initiating legal processes over areas where reindeer grazing has traditionally been accepted, because Saami communities are reluctant to defend their rights through long drawn-out and prohibitively expensive legal battles. This situation has enabled several ongoing court cases between property owners and Saami communities regarding the existence of customary use of winter grazing for reindeer. Ratifying ILO Convention No. 169 would require Sweden to identify land used for reindeer husbandry and the land the Saami traditionally has used and/or uses together with others.

A Boundary Commission has established these demarcations in 2006, but they are continuously ignored as they are not supported by legislation. The 13-year process of investigations and studies regarding implementation of ILO Convention No. 169 should be concluded. A solution must be reached to ensure that reindeer husbandry isn’t jeopardized.

Hate crime and racist propaganda

Article 4 in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) requires countries to condemn and penalize all dissemination of propaganda and organizations based on ideas of the superiority of one race or ethnic origin or which incite racial hatred or violence. CERD statutes and general recommendations 7 and 15 urge states parties to enact legislation banning racist organizations, racist propaganda, memberships in racist organizations and the financing of these structures.

Sweden is not in compliance with its obligations under CERD Article 4. Sweden upholds that according to Sweden’s Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression and Association, criminal acts committed by individual members of racist organizations are punishable, but the existence of and participation in such racist organizations is not. The State does not see a need for legislative measures to ban racist organizations as the activities of such organizations are countered through existing legislation.55

Politiker och myndigheter främjar och stöder racist så jag lär knappast tro att dom gör nått åt detta.

During 2007, 155 cases of agitation against ethnic minorities were reported, but the attorney general initiated proceedings against only six of them. Since 2003 only four cases have been considered by the Supreme Court, and only one of those led to a conviction.57

There is a continuous increase in reported racially motivated as well as homophobic/transphobic crimes in Sweden. (Att klämma in, är att RFSL har hela 5000 medlemmar så att folk bryr sig är skitsnack...)(  According to the National Board of Crime Prevention report Hate Crime 2008 58, reported hate crime incidents in 2008 were about 5.900, almost a 50 percent increase on 2007. (Klagar man till polis här i Katrineholm om det, så får man veta att man får ångra sig bitter om man klagar) This rise is due in part to a broadened definition of hate crime in 2008, but according to the authors of the report, the broader definition does not affect the number of Islamaphobic, anti- Semitic and homophobic hate crimes, which have increased 32, 35 and 45 percent, respectively, compared with 2007. According to the authors, about 50 percent of the increase in crimes with xenophobic and racial motivations can be attributed to the broadened definition. The remaining 50 percent is an actual increase in crime.59 Racist propaganda and so-called White Power music is spread openly without restriction on the Internet and in schools, targeting vulnerable groups, such as school children, who are the largest recruitment base for racist and Nazi organizations.

Sweden should comply with its international legal obligations and act in accordance with the CERD Committee’s repeated recommendations to implement a ban on racist organizations. Where incompatible with constitutional provisions, Sweden should introduce other protective measures to counteract racist propaganda and organizations. Existing legislation and measures to address racist violence is not sufficient to counteract it, nor provide protection to victims of racist propaganda or acts of violence agitated by racist organizations.

Svenska politiskt aktiva har ett nationalsocialistiskt och fascistiskt arv under 200 år, där vi har grundare av ideologier med internationella högerextremist förebilder som Gustaf Retzius etc. Personligen så anser jag att FN borde stationera trupper här, och rensa upp på ett demokratiskt sätt, och slänga hela bunten i en källare, efter demokratiska rättegångar emot dem. Att vi på myndighets-nivp har en nazist, nationalsocialist och fascist historia har EU varit på svenska regeringen redan om nyligen att lära ut till svenska skolbarn. Som får höra att Sverige's myndigheter är en förkämpe för mänskliga rättigheter, och så har det varit i 200år... Som är årets skämt. Om staten tvingar lärare att möta eleverna "Hailande" så skulle jag inte bli ett dugg förvånad.

*Jag ändrade lite i sista stycket eftersom "vi" var lite oprecicerat dom Johan poängterade tacksamt :) Det handlar ju om myndigheter och politiskt aktiva under 200 år. För att många många medborgare och boende i sverige är väldigt öppna med politiska demokratiska värderingar, även om 2-20% har lite suspekta fascisitiska värderingar*



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